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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Part III: The Connection

Now this is where my connection to this show becomes as strong as a tree roots to the ground. Starting from The Last Airbender, I became glued to his show since the very beginning.
This show, believe it or not, is filled with wisdom, is entertaining and a learning experience for kids, and also for adolescent guys like as me. As I have mentioned I wasn't that much into cartoons apart from Disney, but this show was an exception. And this blog that I am putting up is actually like a sort of tribute which I am paying to it, to its creators and the entire cast and storyline that made it happen.

The Last Airbender series is a great approach towards modern day story-telling. It not only combines fiction to reality but somehow encourages the viewer to imagine a world where there exists a sense of 'unity' in a world of racial diversity. Initially what attracted to me as a form of a standard level animation cartoon gradually changed into something that can be value-indebted if observed carefully.

Firstly, lets discuss the ways and topics that has been covered by this show in its two running seasons back & forth.
1. Equality & Tolerance: Now since I have already discussed the fusion of different cultures into one cartoon and the differences in accepting & tolerating different 'nations' to co-exist with each other, this show depicts clearly the need to have harmony and peace, amongst all. For even so we may appear very different, each one of us are dependent on each other for our very survival and mutual-coexistence. Without each other, life would cease to to exist.

( General Iroh teaches his nephew Prince Zuko the importance of all the four elements)

2. Hope: When the rays of light shuts down in our lives, we become at times overcome by grief. At times, we even fail to see with our clear vision and question if there really is any silver lining on the 9th cloud? Well, from a personal approach, this show has manipulated in its many forms and episodes that Hope is not something one has to search for, it will be right there in front you of you as a disguise, as a mere unseen force of nature, we only need to nit give up on ourselves, and all those who depend on us, because Hope opens our doors for entirely new possibilities.  However, downtrodden we maybe in our lives, we must never give up on hope. Cause It not only open our door to another feeling or a world, but can change people and from within and and attain peace and serenity.

(Aang restores Korra's powers after being drained of all her powers, restoring her connection to the Avatar spirits and thus making her more conscious of who she is)

3. Causes: The show has garnered attention from all its critics and well wishers for its coverage of a variety of topics related from depiction of physically-handicapped people to animal torture. For instance, this show has received and escalated to a  massive fan base, after the introduction of a blind Earth-bender girl named Toph, who can control the element Earth by using its voluntary senses touching the ground. Also, a few other depictions have been based where differently-abled people were a continuous recurring figure on the show to show that they too are capable of performing all that which a fit person can do, and not judging them based on their disability, Additionally this show has reached critical acclaimed or being one of the few cartoons ever to effectively generate heart and show the unjust being done to animals in many corporates either as a means for exotic trade or for mere 'unethical' testing.

(Episode titled: Appa's Lost Days: This video shows .... well see it for yourself) ;)

4. Honour and Determination: This is something I find is rather really very interesting. In all the episodes since the beginning, the second main protagonist I find has to be the exiled Fire-Nation Prince, Zuko. Ever since the series began, from the 'The Boy In the Iceberg', his character was a prominent feature where he is determined to regain back his honour by capturing the Avatar and delivering back to his Father, who happens to be the Fire-Lord. Zuko may have appeared as he main antagonist in the first saga of the series but as the show developed, his true colours came to the light after each successive episode highlighting his importance, what I may have earlier apprehended to be the main adversary. Zuko's character gives justice of what we mean by the words 'determination' and 'honour'. Prince Zuko has been constantly trying to bring down the Avatar at any cost, even if it means, challenging his own uncle or battling against his own sister, he makes it seem as if 'he' is the sole 'hunter' whose only ambition is to track down and deliver the Avatar to his father. That has been proved and that is what I would say determination, going against all odds even if no one believed in you. The nest thing he proves in this show is what it means to be 'honourable'. Zuko's character spent the first two seasons speaking to regain back his honour from his father. After am incident long ago, because he deliberately went against his great grandfather's expectations his father, always skeptical of him challenged him for a duel, which if defeated would wipe away his princely credentials and would make him an exiled son. As can be expected, he was stripped of his honour, and was forced into exile by his own father, with the condition that he would regain his honour back only if he would find the Avatar and deliver it to him. And this trait of 'honouring' himself as well as to his father, is what I suppose teaches us a few of the many things in life, of what and how deep the meaning is indebted in a few of a 'heroic' traits.

(Zuko's confrontation with his father)

5. Faith: As all great fanatics of anything, unless you have faith, you really cannot be a 'fan' of anything. Anyways, now as the story goes,  the child Avatar or Aang (as he is called in the first series) was initially discovered by two Southern-Water tribe teenagers who were on their way for some foraging or hunting. And ever since they discovered they Aang was the Avatar, after all the turmoil the world has been into, after learning that he was only a mere child of roughly 12 years old, learning that he is no way close to a fully-conscious Avatar, armed with only his birth element; they had full hope that no one else but him, only he can save the world from falling into complete imbalance and maintain peace and harmony amongst all nations. Katara, the female protagonist, constantly demonstrates and guides and helps Aang on his way to become a full Avatar, even at times when she was the only obstacle barring him from ding so. She also became the love interest of the young Avatar but nevertheless her self-lessness in all her actions made her seem as a female hero, who is perceptive, courageous yet tenderhearted. Katara's belied towards Aang can be seen from the very beginning of this series episode that establishes the fact that, "if you believe in what you do, if you have faith, then surely change will come".

(S1 Episode 3: The Southern Air Temple, clearly depicts what I mean to convey)

There are lots of things what I have learnt from this show, above all, humility and all the qualities that I have listed out here, is what truly made an impression. Well I hope, the same goes for you all too. And if it did something more, or change your perspective about a mere animation kids show to a life-changing event that you are glad to have witnessed in your times, then I would say, go ahead and make a tribute to it, hope one the creators of the show will get impressed and start creating more of such amazing shows. :) 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Part II: The Descension

And so now it begins, my part of the story of how I got involved in the fascination and the action-thrilled world of the Avatar universe, that just took a part of my teen years away. Animated cartoons was never as good as this. I admit I have always thought of controlling either of the natural elements, but Avatar series was the one that literally pulled me towards into day-dreaming of it & yeah become a lunatic of water-bending ... What made me so mad? Well, I would allow the actions to speak for itself....


Did You see that? Those actions right?
Now who in this world in the right mind would just turn a blind eye to it without giving a look of what this show is all about? And that's when, I decided to give it a try.
To recall back, I was in 9th grade, almost in my mid-teen years so typically a teen guy who probably the last animation series I have seen was Beyblade. After that animation for me was synonymous with only Disney & Dreamwork's animated movies. 

Now this show had a lasting and a memorable effect on me.

Not only was this show came about to be one of my favourites but also this show is filled with such wisdom that I believe would help me, or anyone to be as tolerable and loving as Jesus or The Dalai Lama. The four distinct nations that I have mentioned in my previous post, represents cultural similarities to those of the Oriental countries, mostly adopted form the Indian & Chinese traditions.  And me being Indian, just fuels up my adrenaline to see what the creator of this show has in store for me, being a native to the Oriental and what it intends to show it to the world. Combing traditions and beliefs from the two large superpowers in one cartoon, that is something remarkable. And I salute the creator for that.

 Plus, I was always interested in Chinese martial arts, or more commonly known to the world as Kung-Fu, is what drew me towards this kid's show epic masterpiece, which ultimately did lead to its win in some notable categories for the Kid's Choice Awards. 

I mean, India+ China+ Kung-Fu+ Awards+ Animation+ Wisdom+ Entertainment, now wonder this show rose to be one of the topmost kid's show in the U.S. and in the World, equating a mere half hour with a judicious mixture of knowledge along with fun. I for one, descended into its Avatar Universe completely like another child, waiting for every Friday or whenever the new episode would be aired just to see what new technique or moves the protagonist or any of his mates would show. I am glad that such an amazing show enlightened my mind the need to have patience and tolerance towards people from all backgrounds and yeah, the urge to bend any of the four natural elements, cause you know, its like so cool. This fantasy also lead me to do research on the internet to search for people who could have actually kinetically 'manipulated' the elements, but without luck, that magic was restricted to just animation itself.  :)

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Part I: The Beginnings

Now Korra, possibly many of you may not know who is she? Or more intriguing could be 'What is it?'
Well, to begin with this story, I would have to travel back down the memory lane in this amazing Nick Cartoon show 'Avatar: The Last Airbender'.

Now, This show is typically a very cool piece of artwork. I started watching it since I was like around in 9th Grade or so, but from the very first episode itself, which happened to be one of the episodes of Book 1: Water. Its hard to recall exactly what made me glued to this show, perhaps the natural telekinetic manipulation of the natural elements or so called 'bending' in the Avatar language, and that was, I have to say that rocked my core and fueled my imagination once again to get lost in the world of animation.

Avatar, the name itself originates from Sanskrit literally meaning "re-incarnation in a different form', truly lives up to its meaning as the entire show concept is based on the protagonist character that has been re-incarnated or has taken re-birth in the current generation and sets out to maintain world balance. The Avatar, a true Master of the Four Natural Elements, namely, Fire, Air, Water and Earth is the only one who can 'bend' the four elements and can communicate with the spirit world, acting as a bridge between the physical & the spirit world.  The Avatar World is based on a fictional Universe where the human population is divided into four nations, depending on their natural ability to bend the elements. So accordingly we have four groups of people inhabiting the Avatar Universe. 

The Fire Nation:
The people who can bend Fire resides in the volcanic lands to the west referred as the 'Fire Nation'.The Fire nation due to its knowledge of metallurgy and combustion became the most developed and prosperous land in the world. Its extensive industrial improvements and technological progress enabled the Fire Nation to become the most powerful Nation of all. The people of the Fire Nation are disciplined, ambitious and have a willing heart to achieve its goals. The people who could bend fire were called  Firebenders. And are represented by the fire symbol with the flame tongues spiriting upwards.

The Water Tribe:
 Far to the North Pole and to the South Pole of the Avatar world, inhabits the people who can manipulate the free flow element, Water. The Water nation are divided into two nations, particularly, The Northern Water Tribe & The Southern Water Tribe, in respect to its geographical location. The Water Nation society is particularly ethnic and cultural in its composition and are headed by Tribe-Chiefs of their particular clan. Technically the Northern Water Tribe Chief has the authority to rule and govern over both the sister tribes but, as time elapsed, the Southern Water Tribe too elected its own Chief due to cultural & geographical differences. The People of the water tribes are peaceful and live in principles that emphasizes harmony with nature. The people of the Water Tribes, identify themselves by a Crescent Moon,  along with three wavy waters representing the Ocean. 

The Earth Kingdom:
The Earth Kingdom is one of the Four Nations that extends to the far reaches of each directions of the world. Spanning a large region along with subsidiary islands, it makes the largest land coverage of a particular type of people but mostly encompasses the Eastern Hemisphere. The Earth Lands is a monarch government. Its ruler is either a King or a Queen. And the people residing in the Earth Kingdoms are natural 'Earthbenders', one who can manipulate the element: Earth. The People of the Earth Kingdom are strong and diverse, in its people, culture, lands and traditions. The People of the Earth Kingdom are dedicated to their rulers, and are mostly involved in construction business, the military service, and industry. It is the second developed state in the Avatar world, after the Fire Nation, but its lands inhabits the largest co-existence of people, particularly due to its vast size. The Earth People are represented by a Square inscribed in a Circle. And the many layers surrounding the square represents the depth of the Earth Kingdom.

The Air Nomads:
The collective people who can manipulate the surrounding element: air, are called 'Airbenders'. Airbenders are spread out all over the Avatar World.  One of the four major nations, the Air benders are wanderers by definition, adhering to their nomadic lifestyles, they take their resting places in the four corners of the World. Naturally they set up their abode on Independent Air Temples, where they meditate and practice the art of Air-Bending. The Air benders are the most spiritual amongst all of its bending-brothers. Indifferent to all its sister nations, the people of the Air, were all Benders, due to their high spirituality and in harmonious relationship with Nature. They are kind, generous and most peaceful of all its races. They are headed by Four Council Members, generally from the Four-Air temples, respectively. Usually only the wisest and most spiritual were elected to be as members. The Air People identify themselves by the insignia that represents a swirling orb. Within the orb the coiling lines illustrate the wind.

These are the four nations that inhabit the fictional world of Avatar. And Only a Master of all Four Elements, could bring balance to the world, And that was only the Avatar, along with the spirit of Light, to bring harmony and peace.  And as it goes, the Avatar is re-incarnated and reborn after every generation in each of the Four Nations, in a specific cycle. To establish Peace & Balance to the world.